Hi keith.yes they do exist.Google rogue wave for more info
Oh yes buddy there a indie rock band
Yes they do exist
Yes, it exist. You can search about it from google
Oh yes indeedy they do. Watch "The Poseidon Adventure."
Rogue as in waves that happen by them self or part of a disturbance in the force luke.according to what i can find they are waves that are created by storms that become increasing in frequency until they become one big wave.
Of course they do. One waved at me the other day. I waved back out of courtesy, but I am not in favor of dishonest or unprincipled men.
As far as cool and weird natural phenomena, I think ice circles are cooler.
Unfortunately for many hapless sailors, Yes.
Yes.. The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald!! That Song Is So Sad.. Caused By Giant Octopuses? Or Evil Nor- Easters?? Why Does This Happen?