If you discovered a new planet what would you name it, and why?


2 Answers

Kathryn Wright Profile
Kathryn Wright , Secret Daily Horoscope Reader. , answered

If I discovered a new planet, I would call it Icarus.

This was the name of a satellite in one of the James Bond films, and ever since then, I've thought...that would be a good name for a star, so, I would hope my planet was star-like.

What does Icarus mean?

I like the name even more now I know more about it. Icarus comes from the original Latin Ikarus. In Greek mythology he is the son of the craftsman Daedalus. Daedalus makes his son Icarus wings from wax and feathers and warns him to not fly too near the sun. Icarus ignores his father, flies near the sun and causes the wax to melt, the result being that he falls into the sea and drowns.

This may make it a strange name for a planet, however it seems others had a similar idea. Three space-flight projects have been named Icarus. It would seem that the name is synonymous with:

  • ideas of flight
  • heights
  • narcissism
  • and an obsession with fire and water.

Icarus being so entwined with these characteristics has even led to a mental condition being named The Icarus Complex for people suffering from the above traits.

As I would hope that my newly discovered planet would be the most perfect planet yet, I think the name Icarus would be ideal.

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