
Where Is The Best Neighbourhood To Live In Wilmington, NC?


2 Answers

Mary Frederick Profile
Mary Frederick answered
The best area to live in Wilmington, NC from the information I have seen is The Greenville Sound Area. This area includes the communities of Bradley Creek and Hewletts Creek located on the Intracoastal Waterway. Surrounding the area are beaches, the ocean with many marinas located in the center of a number of surrounding communities.

Many homes along the waterfront have individual docks or boat slips, while others keep their boats in one of many marinas in this area. The Mayfaire Towne Center, The Forum and other shopping and restuarant facilities are nearby.

There are many popular communities in the Greenville Sound area among these are: Turtle Hall, Shandy Point, Quail Run, Ariel Cove, and the Shinn Creek Estates.

There are many other areas available within Wilmington, NC. You can check some of the Websites for additional information and Real Estate information. Enter Wilmington, NC in your search bar!
Vikash Swaroop Profile
Vikash Swaroop answered
If you want to have a residence very close to Wilmington you can seek that in the southern side of the Wilmington. The areas are considered as among the fastest growing as along the college road the commercial growth is taking place significantly and commercial growth and residential properties are always directly proportional. It is for this reason you can find significant growth of residence close to the pleasure island also which has good commercial site.

There are some other areas also where you can seek property for your residence. There are a good number of residential areas that are being developed in the south of the monkey junction which is located along the Carolina Beach road. The areas can be considered as good one because it has both kinds of houses the moderately priced one to that of the highly priced one.

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