Gamma ray radiation falls in the wavelength region of 1.00E-16 to 1.00E-11 meters. What is the energy of gamma ray radiation that has a wavelength of 1.00E-16 m?


1 Answers

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered

Need frequency here first.

frequency = speed of light/wavelength

frequency = 2.998 X 10^8 m/s/1.00 X 10^- 16m

= 2.998 X 10^24 s^ (- 1 )

------Now, the energy equation.

energy = Planck's constant * frequency

energy = (6.626 X 10^-34 Js)(2.998 X 10^24 s^(- 1))

= 1.986 X 10^-9 Joules


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