
What Is The Difference Between A Proton And Electron?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Protons r + charged. Their mass is 1840 times that of electron.
Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Every atom is made up of a proton, a neutron and electron. A neutron does not have a mass and is found in the nucleus together with the protons. Protons and electrons are dissimilar in many ways such as:

Protons are found in the nucleus and electrons are found in an electron cloud around the nucleus, arranged in several orbitals.

Protons are positively charged and electrons are negatively charged.

Electrons have an almost negligible mass. That is why when atomic mass is calculated, it only takes into account the mass of the protons present in the atom.

The number of protons and the number of electrons in an atom are equal so that the net charge on the atom is zero (positive and negative balance each other out).

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