
How Many Miles Are In An Acre Of Land?


11 Answers

Joe Gilbert Profile
Joe Gilbert answered
If you own a parcel of land and are not sure just what area an acre of land comprises, you can easily convert a measurement such as an acre to a square mile for a better reference point. In one acre of land, there is approximately 0.0015625 square miles.

If you're wondering just how many acres of land you need to acquire before you have one square mile of land, the answer is 640 acres. To convert from acres to square miles simply add 0.0015625 for every  acre of land that you have to come up with the correct answer.

If you don't care for math, like many people in this country, there are instruments you can buy as well as web sites you can visit that can quickly and easily do the job for you. One of the better web sites out there capable of doing the job for you is  Not only can you convert acres to square miles, and miles into acres, you can convert many other measurements as well in a matter of seconds.

Some of the conversions that can be done at this web site include conversion from the English number system to the metric system. Just enter the number you want converted and the system you want it converted from and the system you want it converted to and hit enter, and the web site does all the heavy lifting for you. This is a service that can be very handy for a number of people so make sure that you bookmark this page for easy reference in the future.

Number conversions can be fast and easy if you have the right resources at your fingertips. Use the resources that are available to you for free on the internet and you'll never make another conversion mistake.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If I had five acres of land. How many miles would that equal to. Need a earnest answer.

What is the mileage to one acre of land?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One square mile of land is 640 acres.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I just want the answer
Marcia Profile
Marcia answered
One mile = 5280 feet, so one square mile = 27,878,400 square feet.
One acre= 43,560 square feet To find out how many square miles one acre equals, divide 43,560 by 27,878,400. The answer is 1 acre = .0015625 square miles.
Another way to do the problem is this:
One square mile = 640 acres, so one acre = 1/640 of a square mile. Divide 1 by 640 and you get 1 acre = .0015625 square miles (the same answer as above).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
One mile = 5280 feet, so one square mile = 27,878,400 square feet.
One acre= 43,560 square feet To find out how many square miles one acre equals, divide 43,560 by 27,878,400. The answer is 1 acre = .0015625 square miles.
Another way to do the problem is this:
One square mile = 640 acres, so one acre = 1/640 of a square mile. Divide 1 by 640 and you get 1 acre = .0015625 square miles (the same answer as above).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
20 miles
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Miles is basically a unit of length. It is useful when it comes to measuring distances. On the other hand, An acre is a unit of area. Both these units are used in different systems around the world. Thus, it is difficult to convert between these two units.

However, the conversion can focus on square miles in an acre. Here is your conversion:

1 Acre = 4840 square yards
1 Acre = 43,560 Square feet
1 Acre =  4046.8564224 m2
Aun Jafery Profile
Aun Jafery answered
Acres and miles are both units of measure that measure two entirely different things. Miles are units that are used to measure length where as acre measures area. Area can however be expressed in terms of square miles and vice versa. If a square area of one mile by one mile is drawn it will contain approximately six hundred and forty acres. Similarly a Acre of land will contain around 0.0015624999998455591 square miles. Both acres and miles are not exact units of measure and currently kilometres and hectares which are metric units are more often used in their stead. Habit and custom however continue to see the use of these units in practice. In other variable terms an acre is equal to four thousand eight hundred and forty square yards or forty three thousand five hundred and sixty square feet.

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