Unseasonably warm weather here Otis. 75 degrees F with 90% humidity.
Well its a chamber of commerce day here at the still 66f clear skies lite wind how is it where u live??
Wet and windy. It really dumped some rain a half hour ago, but the majority of the storm is staying to the west and north of us. 40-50 mph wind gusts and the temperature dropped from 70 to 63 degrees fahrenheit in 2 hours.
Cool, wet, clearing. It'll be a dismal day but the sun should shine tonight.
Normal for this time of year. 0 C (32f) with clear skies and expected high of about 10C (50f) . Little or no wind.
Sunny, with a high of 59 today.
We're still near 90 degrees today, but it's supposed to be much cooler by tomorrow .... And a beautiful day is promised for Sunday. :)
It's 50*F in Southwest Washington State...foggy all morning, really quite beautiful.
The fog rolls in from the ocean, causing the trees to drip even when there has been no rain for weeks. (Although at present we are getting plenty of rain!)
It's just past noon and we are coming back from the senior lunch at Rochester Methodist Church, about ten miles from here...lots of tiny towns around...
65 F; clear skies, beautiful.
We just had a minor cold front come through--North Texas
84 degrees, cloudy--not unusual central Florida weather.
Sunny, 82 degrees, very gentle breeze, another perfect autumn day here in sunny northern California.