
What Is The Universe?


16 Answers

Tallen Jennings Profile
Tallen Jennings answered
The most basic answer I can give to this question is as follows. The universe exists to collect "experience", going from having no experience in the beginning to near infinite experience as it goes on. It collects this experience as a form of consciousness, most people falsely believing this consciousness to be "God" but I can tell you that it can be reclassified as the most basic form of life. Now as it began collecting this "experience" back when the universe was created, this "life form" had nearly no substance to it. Having no substance means having no form. By acquiring substance "experience" of following a very specialized pattern, this life form began to take on attributes and a form of what we now know as reality today. Now this life form that has became the physical world, still uses you and me to gain experience for itself. This being said I can tell you that our consciousness is really the life forms consciousness, the two are one in the same. The answer to this question is also relevant to solving what the meaning of life is. This means that we are the universe experiencing itself. I know this will be very difficult for people to understand but the next step in our advancement as human beings will be to realize that we are not just a race of sentient beings living on this planet but that we are all connected by the life form that sought out to give meaning to nothing.
John O'Brien Profile
John O'Brien answered
'Universe' is defined as:
1) the very large or infinite space containing all objects and events including planet Earth and its inhabitants
2) another space separate and different from our own that is now thought to be a part of 11-dimensional hyperspace or a multiverse
3) the whole system of creation thought to be the product of divine intelligence and activity
4) a set of elements in which a sample may be taken
5) a sphere of influence, thought, knowledge, or action
ravi varma Profile
ravi varma answered
It is huge space which includes all particles and planets .even earth is present in the universe
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
'Universe' has the following definitions:
1) all objects and phenomena; everything that physically exists; all objective reality; the cosmos
2) people in general; human beings collectively; society; mankind
3) an old fashioned term for the Milky Way; the Galaxy; the huge system of stars and interstellar material containing the Earth
4) an old-fashioned term for the Earth; the planet that we live on; the world
5) a field of human activity or interest
6) in logic, all items under consideration
7) in statistics, all people or things in a specified group
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The universe is the entire space-time continuum in which we find ourselves existing.  It consists of all matter and energy, known and unknown.  It is the summation of all forces and natural laws.  The universe is the subject of both science and religion and has always fascinated humankind.
jon nothin Profile
jon nothin answered
The universe is everything that there is. All that there is, is in the universe.
charles blanton Profile
charles blanton answered
Why are we here?
How did this universe come to be?
Does Consideration takes rank over mechanics, or is it the other way around?

An answer was put into action in 1950. I will try to answer this question for you, but it will be a long road and I hope you can understand.
First place yourself in a room and stand with your back to the wall. Look around you and notice all the objects in the room. Take a tennis ball and bounce it onto the floor and let it hit the wall in front of you. Now as the ball is bouncing back to you, catch it. Your hand, the ball and everything in the room including the walls are objects in the physical universe we will call Mass or Mater. They are made up of molecules, atoms, whatever. Most of the objects in the room will seem to be motionless, but really they are not.
Bear with me, as I am taking you down the road to answer your question. Next, when you throw the ball against the wall, all the moving parts in the room is moving mass we call energy. Some will ask questions about this energy and what caused its start, and I will cut to the chase and just say, you did it by decision. The point is that objects can move from one point to another.
Next is the space in which all this is taking place. Look at the two upper corners of the room and also notice the two lower corners of the room. Now with that notice from where you are looking FROM. This is important you get this. From your view point to the corners you will notice that there is space in between.
Now for this last one call TIME. Time really just appears to exist because of the objects around you stay from one moment to the next. If nothing moved, it would be hard to judge the amount of time that has gone by.
Ok, we have mater, energy, space and time. Now if you will take all that away, what do you have? Some call it a static. You will have nothing not even blackness. So what do we have?
Hang in there; I am getting closer to your answer. What can exist without MEST? Can an idea, opinion, concepts, or even considerations be without MEST? What is reality? How does someone get an idea to become a reality?
When you get an idea, what do you do with it? You share it with others. Others what? Are you communicating with other beings capable of ideas, opinions, or considerations? Are you a super sales person? Can you convince others of your idea? Can you get them to agree with you? If you can, your Idea will become a reality. Reality is agreement. The more beings that agree with your idea the more real your idea becomes.
This universe and many others are built on agreement. If you want to play, you must agree to the rules. One of the main rules is that you must agree not to know the truth. If you know the truth you cannot play, and you end up ether not playing any game, start your own game or pretend to not know the truth about the game you want to play in. Even if you start your own game you still have to not know otherwise you will not be playing a game. A game can only be fun when you have unknowns about the game and your opponents.
If you knew everything about the chess game and your opponents, what would the point be? You end up with NO game.
The universe is a game and we have become a slave to it.
Oh, and by the way your purpose in this universe is to put order in what you consider to be chaos.
Really it does not matter about what I say just have fun because you will continue playing in this universe dead or alive.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The universe is all life that ever exists. Everything in the world is in the universe. There is no other universe, there is only one universe their ever is and ever was. The universe contains trillions and billions of stars, planets, moons, galaxies, solar system etc. All of this info might not be true because I am only a child and I took a wild guess =0
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here is how I define the word 'universe':
1) our plane of existence consisting of four-dimensional space-time (three of space, one of time) together with all matter, energy, and forces governed by the laws of physics; all of nature; creation; the cosmos
2) another plane of existence believed to be separate from our own, as in a parallel universe
3) all people living on planet Earth; humankind; society; the world
4) in logic, all topics considered for discussion; a universe of discourse
5) in statistics, all people, animals, or objects in a distinct group from which a sample may be taken; a population
6) all the experiences, events, and activities involving a person or group of people
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
'Universe' is: NOUN A) THE ALL-INCLUSIVE SPACE-TIME SYSTEM OF WHICH HUMANS ARE A PART CONSISTING OF MATTER AND ENERGY THAT IS GOVERNED BY THE FOUR FUNDAMENTAL FORCES OF GRAVITATION, ELECTROMAGNETISM, THE STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE, AND THE WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE (Examples:  Scientists now know that the universe was born out of the Big Bang./ Earth is no longer considered to be the center of the universe./ Mankind's understanding of the universe has improved greatly throughout history.) B) THE HUGE, DARK, AND ALMOST EMPTY VOID CONTAINING ALL THE PLANETS, STARS, AND GALAXIES (Examples:  Edwin Hubble was the first astronomer to realize that the universe is expanding./ The universe is populated with hundreds of billions of galaxies each containing hundreds of millions to hundreds of billions of stars./ Wormholes hold the possibility of instantaneous travel to distant reaches of the universe.) C) ANOTHER SPACE-TIME SYSTEM OUTSIDE OUR OWN THAT IS THOUGHT TO BE GOVERNED BY DIFFERENT LAWS OF PHYSICS (Examples: The idea of a parallel universe confounds the human mind./ The hypothetical multiverse may contain an infinite number of universes including our own.) D) THE WHOLE CREATED SYSTEM CONSISTING OF BOTH PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL ENTITIES THAT IS BELIEVED IN HUMAN RELIGIONS TO BE THE PRODUCT OF DIVINE INTELLIGENCE (Examples:  Humans have used religion throughout history to understand their place in the universe./ When Adam and Eve sinned by eating the forbidden fruit from the Tree Of The Knowledge Of Good And Evil, suffering and death entered the universe./ There is a moral code that is adhered to throughout the universe.) E) A FIELD OF HUMAN INFLUENCE, INTEREST, OR ACTIVITY (Examples:  Yankee Stadium is considered to be a grand cathedral in the baseball universe./ Competition is one of the elements of a free economic universe./ Sarah Palin has risen to prominence in the political universe.) F) THE SUM OF A PERSON'S EXPERIENCES, INTERESTS, AND ACTIVITIES (Examples:  The death of her father rocked Sarah's universe./ Sports are the center of Jason's universe.)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
'Universe' has the following senses:
1) the four-dimensional space-time continuum in which we exist containing all matter, energy, and forces that are governed by the laws of physics; the entire physical realm in which we find ourselves existing; creation; the cosmos
2) another physical realm which is believed to exist with its own space-time continuum and its own laws of physics (e.g. A bubble, parallel, or alternative universe)
3) every person living on Earth; all humanity; society; the world
4) every living creature living on Earth
5) the very large cluster of stars, gas, and dust containing the Earth seen as a bright band stretching across the night sky; the Milky Way; the Galaxy
6) in logic, all items listed as a topic for discussion; a universe of discourse
7) in statistics, all people, animals, or objects from which samples can be taken; a population
8) a field of activity or interest
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here is how the word 'universe' is defined:
1) the plane of physical reality in which we live in consisting of four-dimensional space-time together with all matter, energy, and forces governed by the laws of physics; creation; the cosmos
2) all people living on Earth; mankind; society; the world
3) Earth and all its living creatures
4) the huge structure of stars, gas, and dust of which Earth is a part that is seen as a bright band stretching across the night sky; the Milky Way; the Galaxy
5) in logic, all subjects open for discussion or debate; a universe of discourse
6) in statistics, all the elements of a set from which a sample may be taken; a population
7) all the events, activities, and places involving a person or group of people
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
'Universe' may be defined as follows:
1) the whole physical system consisting of four-dimensional space-time together with all matter and energy of which planet Earth is a part operating under the laws of physics; the cosmos
2) a separate physical system that is different than ours with its own dimensions of space and time and operating under its own laws of physics
3) all people living on planet Earth; mankind; society; the world
4) planet Earth together with all its living creatures
5) the huge cloud of stars and interstellar material of which planet Earth is a part; the Milky Way; the Galaxy
6) in logic, all items considered for discussion; a universe of discourse
7) in statistics, all elements from which samples may be drawn; a population
8) a sphere of activity, interest, or influence involving a person or group of people
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The universe is the whole of space-time containing matter, energy, and forces.  It is the summation of all physical laws and constants.  It contains everything from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies.  It also includes all biological entities as well as humankind which is presently known to exist only on planet Earth.  By extension, the word can be used to mean 'all celestial objects', 'all objects or persons considered in a group for research', or 'any sphere of human existence'.  The study of the universe is known as cosmology.  One of the dominating cosmological theories holds that the universe began as an infinitely dense and hot point which suddenly became unstable and exploded and started the current cosmic expansion of space known as 'the Big Bang theory'.  The other theory holds that the universe has always existed in its present form and size known as 'the steady state theory'.  The universe has always been the subject of human religious systems which is believed to be governed by various supernatural entities or was created and is governed by a single Supreme Being.

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