Our universe, it is believe was formed after the huge a huge explosion, called the BIG BANG. The Big Bang theory believes that a huge explosion in which matter was tossed in every direction created the universe.
Our universe is made up of 9 planets and a star: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Sun, respectively. The objects in the sky and the cosmic phenomena have forever fascinated men. This fascination has led to the discovery of the planets that make up our solar system today.
The Sun the central and the largest body present in the solar system. It is the closest star from earth, more than 149,600 km away. It occupies 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system.
Mercury, the first planet, is the eighth largest plant of the solar system. It is closest to the sun and its diameter is 40% less than that of earth.
Venus, also sometimes called the jewel of the sky, is the second planet and is 108,200,000 km away from the sun. This planet is named after a Roman Goddess, Venus, who is associated with love and beauty and wears a cloud veil. Venus is also known as a sister to our planet, the Earth.
Earth, the third in line, is 150 million kilometers away from the sun. It is the only planet that is fully known to support life.
Mars, the Red planet, is fourth in line. It was named after the Roman god of war. It is also called the Red planet because of its characteristic red appearance which is due to the rocks and the soil present there.
Jupiter is the fifth and by far the largest planet of the solar system. It was big enough to house more than a thousand Earth's insides itself. The Jupiter is famous for its Great Red Spot, which is an intricate storm that moves in an anti clockwise direction. The Jupiter alone has 14 moons associated with it.
Next to Jupiter, Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. The beauty of this planet comes from its Rings, which are one of the most stunning things present in our solar system.
Uranus, the third largest, is distinguished by its slight tilt in its side. It is believed that this is due to its collision with another body in the solar system during its evolution.
Neptune bears sister to the Great Red Spot of the Jupiter, called the Great Dark Spot, which is also the reminiscent of the storms like conditions of the Jupiter. This planet is large enough to
accommodate 60 Earths inside.
Pluto, the coldest and the furthest from the sun, is labeled the dwarf planet. Pluto was named after the suggestion of a little girl, Venetia Burney, who loved Roman Mythology and contacted the duiscoverer to name the planet so.