
Why Shouldn't We Cut Down Rainforest?


17 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because cutting down the rainforest is wrong and sad. It provides us with the oxygen we need and provides good homes, habitats and ecosystems for all animals, plants and insects. It helps get rid of pollution. We are losing around 137 plant, animal and insect species every single day due to deforesting.That equates to 50,000 species lost each year. The earth used to cover %14 of the earth but now its only %6. A rare plant was wiped out, the periwinkle plant, found in Madagascar, could help increase a leukemia(a form of cancer) patients chances of survival from %20 to %80. That is why rain forests are so vital to us.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We should not cut down the trees because we need the oxygen. At least 30% of the oxygen we breathe is from the trees and if they were all gone we would slowly die from suffocation! Do you really want to die? Also animals live in trees, its they're home and without it they would probably die. How would you like it if someone came to your house and chopped it down! Fight for the trees!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
join together and rise against the rainforest cutting! Don't you see the climate changes? Factories are producing more and more tons of carbon dioxide and we will need these forests as a filter, lungs of our planet. Businessmen-woodcutters affect other people thanks to the money. Stop the bribery and corruption!
If we cut trees for the wood we have to plant new trees.
The fields are barren? We don't have to cut down another part of the forest. We have to use fertiliser. The fields can be fertilised with bio-waste. Yes, it really works! :-)
It is possible to farm and not cut the forests.
Think about the future, about our children. May be they will have to manage their life without the oil, coal and gas. This is possible. But you can't survive without oxygen.
Think about it.
wilbert u can call me sue Profile
At the rate that they are now cutting down rainforest is terrifying.  Loosing many natural habitats for many creatures, also, destroying many beneficial plants that have medicinat purposes, lost forever.  Also, trees produce oxygen during daylight, which is affecting the ozone, because trees are also a wonderful filter for getting rid of bad toxins in the air.  Global warming, loss of habitat, extinction, scary.  For every tree cut down, you should plant at least five.  Up north, every year, we have tree planters who come from all over, to work as summer job, mostly students, to replenish the loss of trees lost to lumber
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The rainforest are the lungs of the earth, what happens when the lungs stop breathing ?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because we need the oxygen and for the trees to help get rid of the bad toxins in the air(:
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We shouldn't because there are animals that need there homes and then if we cut them down there lives could be taken and also the trees are loosing there lives and cutting down the trees is stopping some of our oxygen getting to us .
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It gives us 30% of the oxygen we breathe, and where would the yanomami tribe live? It also gets rid of all the bad toxins that are poisoning our air.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We shouldn't cut down trees because not only are they homes to animals but they are also homes to people!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that we shouldn't cut down the trees of the  rainfroest becase 30% of the oxagen in the world comes from the rainfroest . It is  the home of millon's of animals and plants we still don't  know of .I say we should stop
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Cutting down trees are wrong because we are losing oxygen because trees give us oxygen.
When we cut down trees we are killing over Hundreds of species like plants and animal that surrounds the trees.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We need trees to breathe and whatever you want to do with your dead, cut trees you won’t be able to because you won’t be able to breathe!! Would you wont that? I don't think so! Vote hug trees! :-)

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