Primary data, you do urself and secondary data, someone else does.
Primary data means data you get by yourself through experiment or other ways, secondary data means data you get from other people like from a thesis.
Primary data is gathered for a specific purpose.for example a company might a specific own customers directly to find out more about their buying habits
while secondary data is not collected for a single purpose but may be used in variety of ways .for example instead of interviewing customers directly(collecting primary data) a company might a specific secondary sourse of data such as published goverment statistics in order to investigate customer buying patterns.
while secondary data is not collected for a single purpose but may be used in variety of ways .for example instead of interviewing customers directly(collecting primary data) a company might a specific secondary sourse of data such as published goverment statistics in order to investigate customer buying patterns.
Primary Data: Consists of information gathered for some specific purposes and primary data is also that you collects through researches, surveys and experiments.
While secondary data is consists of information that already exists somewhere having being collected for some purposes.
While secondary data is consists of information that already exists somewhere having being collected for some purposes.