
What Is A Unicellular?


1 Answers

Katie Harry Profile
Katie Harry answered
Unicellular organisms are those organisms which are made of only one cell (uni = one). Some unicellular organisms are:
Unicellular fungi
Unicellular algae

Almost all of the unicellular organisms are so small in size that we have to use a microscope to see them. Some exceptions are giant algae and a couple of types of bacteria (for example Thiomargarita niambiensis).

Bacteria are classified as prokaryotic unicellular organisms. Prokaryotic cells are those which do not contain a 'true' nucleus (as opposed to eukaryotes which do; eu means true). This means that their genetic material is not packed into a proper membrane bound nucleus. Also, they do not have any other membrane bound organelles within them either like golgi apparatus etc.

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