It is magnet with which a compass is made of and when it comes to the description of compass, it can be described as a navigational instrument that helps you to find direction if you are unable to find it. The device is of great help in maritime trade and also responsible for the increase of the trade the world over as it helps the sailors to find direction with which they reach to their destination with ease.
The magnet that the compass made of helps it to point free and align accurately with the magnetic field of earth. The cardinal points of a compass are east, west, south and north.
When it comes to the invention of the equipment, it is invented in the third century in China and considered as among the best inventions that have ever happened to the humanity.
The magnet that the compass made of helps it to point free and align accurately with the magnetic field of earth. The cardinal points of a compass are east, west, south and north.
When it comes to the invention of the equipment, it is invented in the third century in China and considered as among the best inventions that have ever happened to the humanity.