Mostly, we use limestone for building stuff like bridges, water fountains, other outside ornaments or floor tiles! In the middle ages people used it for building houses and castles up until proper bricks were invented. I have a path made in my back garden out of limestone, but I'm sure there are other uses for it!
Limestone can be used to make glass and other substances, it can also be used to neutralise acidity in lakes caused by acid rain and to neutralise acidic soils.
Limestone is a Sedimantary rock. Calcite (CaCo3) is its chief mineral, with or without magnesium carbonate. Limestone is a primary source material for manufacture of Portland Cement. It is also used in Metallurgical industries as a flux, Construction side as building stone and Chemical industries. Folk divided limestones into two groups viz., Allochems (partly chemical in origin and has four basic components : Detritals, Pellets, Skeletal elements, Oolites) and Orthochems (truly in Chemical origin).
We use it in buildings and strangely enough things like tooth paste and bread
I need to know its my geography homework x