
How Does The Circulatory System And Urinary System Work Together?


5 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The urinary system removes waste from the circulitory system and circulitory it from the body in the form of urine. The urinary system also controlls blood pressure. The circulitory system helps blood move through the nessicary organs in the urinary system to keep them functioning.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

the cardiovascular system is formed by the blood, heart, and blood
vessels. The heart keeps blood circulating. The blood delivers nutrients
and oxygen throughout the entire body. The nutrients and oxygen are
released from blood vessels into an organ or cell.

The urinary
system is mainly formed by the bladder and kidneys. The circulation of
blood sends waste to the kidney, which filters water soluble waste
products from the blood. This waste in our body becomes metabolic waste
(urine). The urine is then sent to the bladder, then out of our body
through the urethra.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Really crappy answer guyz  and with the help of capillaries it takes all the bad stuff throughtout the body and disposes of it with the urinary system
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They are both in the systems

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