Can You Describe The Physiology Of The Ant?


1 Answers

Steve Theunissen Profile
The body consists of three parts: (1) the head; (2) the thorax; and (3) the abdomen. Ants have several nerve centres, the largest being the brain, situated in the insect's head. Most of these creatures have a compound eye on each side of the head. These eyes may consist of six to over a thousand lenses, each like a minute eye. Additionally, certain winged ants possess three simple eyes on the back of the head. Though ant vision is often very dim, and certain ants have no eyes, at least some ants can see rocks and other things and use these "landmarks" as a guide in their travels.

While looking at the ant's head, notice the two antennae extending outward. Feeling, tasting and smelling all are associated with these "feelers." And please do not overlook those jaws. They open and shut from side to side, not up and down.

The ant's three pairs of legs are attached to the thorax. So are wings, if the insect happens to have any. Next comes the abdomen, containing the crop, in which food is stored and carried to others of the ant community. The ant's stomach and intestines are situated behind the crop in its abdomen. One more thing: Some ants have a pain-producing sting. In fact, by stinging, fire ants have been known to kill young birds that have not yet left the nest.

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