The state of Illinois covers a total area of 57, 918 square miles. When its area is converted into square kilometres, Illinois covers a total area of 149, 998 square kilometres. It is ranked 25th among the states of the United States of America in terms of its area.
According to the population census in the year 2000, the population of Illinois was estimated to be approximately 12, 419, 213. It is ranked fifth among the states of the United States of America in terms of its population.
The density of population of the state of Illinois is estimated to be approximately 223.4 persons per square mile. When it is converted into the number of persons per square kilometre, the density of population is estimated to be approximately 86.27 persons per square kilometre.
According to the population census in the year 2000, the population of Illinois was estimated to be approximately 12, 419, 213. It is ranked fifth among the states of the United States of America in terms of its population.
The density of population of the state of Illinois is estimated to be approximately 223.4 persons per square mile. When it is converted into the number of persons per square kilometre, the density of population is estimated to be approximately 86.27 persons per square kilometre.