
Can You Give Me Some Facts About The Cardiovascular System?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It is one of the most important systems in your body.
Kath Senior Profile
Kath Senior answered
The heart of an adult weighs 250 - 300 g and is about the size of a clenched fist. At rest, the heart beats about 70 times and pumps a total of 5 litres of blood in every minute. During normal activity, it beats faster - up to 150 times per minute - to take more blood to our muscles. During heavy exercise the heart can pump as much as 20 litres of blood per minute.

The average adult has 5.5 litres of blood in their body. The blood is made up from plasma, the liquid component, and blood cells. Most blood cells are red. There are about 5 million red blood cells in every drop of blood. Each red blood cell lives for 120 days. The blood also contains white cells of several different types. These are responsible for the immune system that prevents viruses and bacteria from causing infections that lead to illness.

The heart itself is made of muscle. The muscle is thickest in the left ventricle because this part of the heart has to push blood the largest distance. Large vessels, arteries carry blood away from the heart to the body and veins bring blood back to the heart.A complex system of flaps called valves stop blood going through the heart in the wrong direction. If any blood does try to go backwards, they slam shut to stop it. The sound that valves make when they close is what causes the sound of a heart beat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thanks! These facts have helped me a lot with my science project! I have some facts of my own:
-8 million blood cells die a minute, and just as many are born
-It takes 20 seconds for a single blood vessels to circle the whole body
-There are 5 million red blood cells in a single drop of blood
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The heart is just a Little bit bigger than the owners clenched fist!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you tie together all of your blood vessels it would be able to circle the globe  2 and a half times

an average adult's heart pumps 4000 gallons of blood each day

your heaRT BEATS APPROXIMATELY 30 million times a year

the vena cava is the largest vein in your body
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Eat more vegetable and it provide nutrients.go to for more information
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Cardiovascular system.
The Blood
The average adult has about 5-6 litres of blood. Blood is made up of 2 different substance. Plasma and red blood cells. Plasma is a straw coloured liquid. Its is made up of 90% water and the 10% is made up of dissolved food, waste, minerals and blood clotting factors, hormones and antibodies, The blood is not just made of one type of blood cell, it made up of three different types:
Red Blood Cells- Are little micrograms which when matured  is when they do not contain a nucleus but a Haemoglobin and protein which carries oxygen around the body within the blood. This makes the cells red.
White Blood Cells-  Are cells that fight against infections. The white blood cells have a rather short life cycle, living from a few days to a few weeks. A drop of blood can contain anywhere from 7,000 to 25,000 white blood cells at a time. If an invading infection fights back and persists, that number will significantly increase. A consistently high numbers  of white blood cells is a symptom of Leukaemia, a cancer of the blood. A Leukaemia patient may have as many as 50,000 white blood cells in a single drop of blood.

This is information from my Health and Social Coursework (:

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