What Is The Role Of Science In Modern World?


22 Answers

Simon Lazarus Profile
Simon Lazarus answered
Science permeates all of our lives and is everywhere in the modern world.

Physics, for example, teaches us how mirrors work, how glasses can aid one's vision and how heat is treated by various household materials (plates and utensils). Chemistry discusses the principles of matter, like atoms, molecules and compounds. It discusses the countless different substances that can arise from the smallest variations within compounds. These atoms, molecules and compounds make up the water we drink, the food we eat, the air we breathe, the medicines we take when we are sick. Some we can't possibly live without.

Biology, the study of life, teaches us why we are the way we are, why we need what we need to survive, how all living things are categorized, when we all came from. These, and countless other questions and answers are all related to science.

There have been many tremendous advances in technology over the last decade,  so many in fact, the pace is accelerating. Everyday new things are discovered with our ever-increasing scientific knowledge. Cancer research has found a virus capable of killing cancerous tumours in rats. Although this has not been sufficiently tested for use on people yet, scientists predict that testing on human volunteers may come into effect in around two years. There has also been the ever-controversial breakthroughs in the cloning of sheep and mice, which can have a great impact (whether good or bad) on the future.

Technology has also brought us closer together. The introduction of the mobile/cell phone has made communicating with each other more instantaneous, as has the development of computer technology with programs such as Skype.

We have all become accustomed to the advantages that science has brought us. Today's modern world would be unimaginable without the continuing progress of science.
shashi divya Profile
shashi divya answered
In my view Science covers the broad field of knowledge that deals with observed facts and the relationships among those facts.
Science has enormous influence on our lives. It provides the basis of much of modern technology - the tools, materials, techniques, and sources of power that make our lives and work easier. The discoveries of scientists also help to shape our views about ourselves and our place in the universe.
Modern science and technology have changed our lives in many dramatic ways. Airplanes, automobiles, communications satellites, computers, plastics, and television are only a few of the scientific and technological inventions that have transformed human life. Research by nuclear physicists has led to the development of nuclear energy as a source of power.
such as
1. Agricultural scientists have developed better varieties of plants and highly effective fertilizers
2.The development of antibiotics and other new drugs has helped to control many infectious diseases.
3.Studies in anatomy and physiology have led to amazing new surgical operations and to the invention of lifesaving  machines that can do the work of such organs as the lungs, kidneys, and heart.

as final in our day today activities we are ivnvole with the technology!

(just think a minit  you will realise whether the scieece is help or harm to our life to day and answer me back)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Science is important in our daily lives. Its main aim is to make us realize that science is found and practiced not only in school but everywhere. It shows how people's attempt to interpret and explain their observations in nature. It also shows that our attitude determines how we react to it or how we behave in connection with it...
Rajesh Shri Profile
Rajesh Shri answered
Science and related study are the results of man's enquiry of his surroundings. Science provides answers to every what, when, why and where that anyone could possibly ask. It has always been a sphere that has most engaged and intrigued man, whether he was looking into our very creation and evolution or the physical world around us. Science is also responsible for the wonderful discoveries and inventions that have not only made our lives easier (or complicated?), but has also given us a better understanding about our existence.

In the contemporary world, the role of science is one of great responsibility. The technology that surrounds us is also a product of science. Our understanding of our environment has enabled man to harness and bottle medicine, technology and longevity. In the due course of time, the scope and functions possible within the sphere of science is only going to increase manifold, as it has since the initial enquiry. However, questioning the role of science is in fact questioning man's power to use the resources available on account of this wonderful stream of education, to his advantage. The general observation by many a philosopher and men of science is that we are allowing technology to dictate our lives. We need to correct this, before it is too late. All the wonders of science like the computer, home and industrial appliances and medicine need to be used with discretion and discrimination.
faiza Profile
faiza answered
It helps create new kinds of medicines, find innovative treatments and solutions for dangerous diseases. Science can offer comforts and lifestyles to improve the quality of life for human beings and the environment around them.
Hassan Raza Profile
Hassan Raza answered
Importance of science: Science means knowledge and it has two objectives to enable men to do and to know. Science has evolved out of philosophy, culture, mythology and religion. In the past science has remained a pursuit of the learned but more recently, it has become an important factor in determining the everyday life of the common man. There is hardly any sphere of life where science is not serving like curing diseases, preserving our food, warming us in winter cooling us in summer, building our houses transporting us on land and water and helps us day and night in a hundred different ways.

Horrors of science: Science is a double-edged weapon. It is useful and good on one hand and dangerous on the other hand. Population explosion, massive malnutrition, threat of nuclear and biological weapons and industrial pollution constitute the hit-list of horrors of science. It has made man more powerful to destroy his fellows. The atomic and hydrogen bombs continue to threaten humanity. Science has made life hectic, complicated, noisy and full of violence. In spite of these disadvantages, science can go a long way in decreasing human misery and sorrow and increasing human happiness.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Science helps our health and medicine progress creating a safe environment for the people living in it. Not only that but with out science we wouldn't have computers, cellphones, phones, the radio, email, the internet or the fridge or the sink or the tv or car or guns. In fact we would probably be living in a cave with the kill of the day living in forests drinking boiled water.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
All the great things we have in this world because of the science. The science helps us to find solutions to our daily live style, transportation, and even the serious disease. As a result, it tries to find the medicine to cure those kinds of diseases and prevent the possible evolution of the disease in the future. Imagine about the world without science, I believe our lives will become very hard. And do not think that science destroys the world; actually, if we do not have the science, the lives will be dramatically difficult to live and prosper or develop. In short, Science has many advantages to help developing our modern world, or we can say that it is a key element of this modern world.
Kainat hasan Profile
Kainat hasan answered
Scientists have made use of science for the benefit of man and society. They have used scientific principles, laws and facts to invent and develop machines of different kinds. For example, the motor car, air plane and railway engine, tube well engine and different kinds of machinery used in factories producing things of daily use like match-boxes, cloth, shoes and so on have been invented by scientist. The radio, TV,VCR, the calculator and computer are among the many modern electronic inventions that have made our life modern.
Scientist have also put science to harmful or destructive uses. For example, they have prepared harmful drugs and intoxicants and weapons of war.
Science teaches us to work without prejudice. Scientist in all countries use the same scientific formulas, laws and results. They should, therefore work together for the advancement of mankind. They should not, in any case. Prepare weapons of mass destruction. Science is supreme knowledge and it should be used for the supreme good of all human beings.
We come to the conclusion that science should be used only for the benefit of human beings. Scientist should work for peaceful progress.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that science has greatly contributed to mans comforts by providing him with those things on which his existence depends.today,we make use of the facilities provided by the scientists everywhere.prime requirements are easily available.therefore science plays a very important role in mans life nowadays.it influences every aspect of human activity.scientific research and its application have completely changed our outlookand our mode of living.now I want to ask a question?what woud be the fate of the world if all the amenities given to usby science disappeard overnight?
KUNU KITHA answered
Developments in science assume a lot of importance in today's world. The world of science and mathematics has made it easy for man to venture into different fields. It has enthused interest in the world of new research. The young people have a responsibility to carry the glory of science in every avenue of progress and improvement.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

the role of science is one of great responsibility. The technology that surrounds us is also a product of science. Our understanding of our environment has enabled man to harness and bottle medicine, technology and longevity. In the due course of time, the scope and functions possible within the sphere of science is only going to increase manifold, as it has since the initial enquiry. However, questioning the role of science is in fact questioning man's power to use the resources available on account of this wonderful stream of education, to his advantage. The general observation by many a philosopher and men of science is that we are allowing technology to dictate our lives.

From:- Tania

Roger Macario Profile
Roger Macario , Research Analyst in science & Technology, answered

Today, the system by which research and development leads to new products is fundamentally different than it was in the nineteenth century. To the role of the individual inventor has been added the power of organized scientific research and technological innovation. Organized research and development, which are increasingly international in character, have greatly increased the production of new knowledge. Deeper understanding of living organisms is leading toward cures of diseases once thought

d ds Profile
d ds answered
Science is a very very vast field of studies. Its importance is seen in our everyday activities. It can be seen in our medicines, when new advanced treatments are discovered, when new diseases are found, when new methods for preserving foods are discovered, when new ways are found to protect animals and studying them, When we see new explorations are made in space or when we see pesticides, when we see new electrical product, petrol free cars, Planes, Ships,
Physical Sciences(Physics, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, Astronomy and Environmental Sciences),
Life Science(Biology), Formal Sciences(Computer science, Maths and System Science), Social Sciences(Economics, Psychology, Management, Education, Geography, Political science, Linguistics and Philosophy), Applied Sciences(Architecture, Cognitive sciences, Engineering, Health sciences) they all play  their roles in designing our culture, the way we live life and establishing new rules and regulations.
Also visit Fields of science and following blurtit question:
What Is The Importance Of Science And The Horrors Of Science On Human Society?

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Accounting is a science of systematic use of analysis, letting you answer problems in a way that you discover a new theory about it.

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