Why Do Plants Lose Their Leaves In Winter?


9 Answers

Rabbia Pasha Profile
Rabbia Pasha answered
Like human beings plants also respire. They inhale and exhale on the similar principle like humans. But plants shed their leaves during winter. They become witty in summers because of high temperature .
Many trees shed their leaves in winter season. They are called DECIDUOUS TREES.

1-Fall occurs when heat, light and minerals in the soil becomes less available.
2-The flow of food is stopped so the trees get rid of their leaves
3-Once the food supply is cut off the leaves become pale and they shed

When the temperature falls below freezing the plant's cells are certainly destroyed. Frost can kill even the unprotected plant tissues. Trees however try to protect themselves by undergoing a complex biochemical process every autumn.

For example:-
They remove excess water (makes them weak and their leaves are not getting enough nutrition so they fall)
Harden their tissues and create a natural anti freeze that help keep their cell from freezing.
When plants and trees lose their leaves question arises do they still photosynthesize?
A good answer to this question was given by Department of Forestry at University of Vermont.

They say that some trees have small amount of chlorophyll in their bark.
These trees are able to photosynthesize some sugar even if their leaves are shed.
Muhammad Suleman Profile
Plants loose their leaves in winter due to following reasons:
The plants of these types are called deciduous plants. The leaves of these plants contain a chemical called Chlorophyll. Chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight make food for plant and the process is called photosynthesis.

In the winter, the sunlight is not enough to allow it to make food. But the food is stored in the roots to be used next season. In the same way as some animals do, and is called Hibernation. The food stored ,as reserves of carbohydrates stored in tissues, is just able to maintain the branches and roots in the dark and cold winters and the leaves start losing. Also physical aspect is that the leaves if not lost, the heavy frost would stay on them and may cause the branches to break.

A lot of other weather factors also cause leaves to dry in winter season such as bright fair days with icy soil, blowing of drying winds, very low moisture and snow cover. Some site problems also cause leaves to shed such as long distance from water reservoir, some sort of solid boundaries that trap cold air, the type of soil and the way with which the plant is planted.
Mehreen Misbah Profile
Mehreen Misbah answered
Just like animals hibernate in winter, it is also a similar case with some trees. Specially trees with broad-bladed leaves lose their leaves during the period of winter. This is a rest period for trees and as a result they don't require food in this period of still tranquillity. So the leaves, which actually are the main source of manufacturing the food for plants and trees are not needed during this period and as a result the trees shed those leaves. Such trees are termed as deciduous trees, a word which is derived from the Latin word 'decidere', which means to fall. These type of trees shed all their leaves and become bare during the cold weather. As for when summer comes or a warmer climate arrives, they become evergreen again, developing new leaves for making their food.

The deciduous trees grow in the deciduous belt of the earth, which is a region that is not too harsh in either summer or winter and has a temperate climate, where the summers are warm and not hot and the winters are cool and not cold.
Richard Lam Profile
Richard Lam answered
Isn't it too cold for them?
fahad syed Profile
fahad syed answered
There are different types of plant that survive in winter and that not like the one that doesn't survive are ANNUALs: these are the plants that produce a handsome amount of seeds during spring season. But they don't survive in winter. But in the spring season, new plants grow from the seeds.
Second one is PERENNIALS
These are plants that survive during the winter season. Usually the plant part that breeds above the ground expires, but the roots are protected by snow layers.
Then in the season of spring, this plant will start to grow once again.
All plants find ways to survive the winter. The reason why plants lose their leaves are
1- In the winter, heat becomes less available.
2- In the winter, light become less available.
3- In the winter, Water becomes less available.
4- In the winter, minerals become less available.
5- The plants then began to get rid of the leaves by discontinuing the flow of food to these expire leaves.
And once the supply of the food from plant to leaves is close off, these leaves began to change their colour and with the passage of time they beginning to fall off.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thx but do the plants lose leaves to preserve the water that they have?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Awsome but nobudy explained the mechanism how they losse chlorophyll and how deposition of mg takes place

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