What Is The Relationship Between Average And Marginal Production For Labour And Land?


1 Answers

Majid Rahim Profile
Majid Rahim answered
There are three stages of production these are production stage I, Production stage II, Production stage III. In production stage1 when some labour applied with the fix land then out put increases so average and marginal production of labour increases but marginal productivity of labour increases more then average productivity of labour, While in production stage II average production of labour decreases but marginal productivity of labour still positive and increases .

The reason behind this fact that the land is not optimally used, that is why the marginal productivity of labour still positive and the average productivity of labour decreases while more and more labour applied with fixed land. In production stage III both marginal and average productivity of labour become negative because when more labour applied with fixed land the there are some labour who unable to contribute in production process because over limit of labour applied with the fixed land.

So the marginal and average productivity of labour become negative. In conclude I say there is functional relationship among average and marginal productivity of labour in stage I It is positive relationship, while in stage II its negative, in stage III it is positive relationship.

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