Chemistry is very important within our daily lives. We are using it all of the time without even realizing it. Every time we wash our hands in the kitchen or the bathroom we are using chemistry as the bacteria on our hands is being destroyed and the chemicals are working together within the product to ensure that this happens. When we wear sun cream we are also relying on chemistry to ensure that we are going to be as protected as possible from the harmful rays from the sun which can lead to health problems.
Food going bad in our cupboards and fridges is linked to chemistry and why this happens due to the different temperatures and the chemicals in the foods which are going to go off earlier than that of others.
Also the detergent that we use in our washing has factors of everyday chemistry as our clothes are being cleaned due to the chemicals which have been man made to ensure that our items of clothing are not going to be destroyed but are going to be as fresh and as clean as possible.
It is simple to see how chemistry is important in our lives each and everyday. Without it we would not understand why certain foods go off, we wouldn't be able to ensure that bacteria was taken care of and we wouldn't be able to have the clean clothes that we have. We take all of this knowledge for granted and it is something that we would not be able to live without.
Therefore the importance of chemistry in everyday life is very high as we would not survive without it. We would not have a great understanding of certain things and we would not be able to ensure that we were safe from certain bacteria and rays that can seriously harm us.
Food going bad in our cupboards and fridges is linked to chemistry and why this happens due to the different temperatures and the chemicals in the foods which are going to go off earlier than that of others.
Also the detergent that we use in our washing has factors of everyday chemistry as our clothes are being cleaned due to the chemicals which have been man made to ensure that our items of clothing are not going to be destroyed but are going to be as fresh and as clean as possible.
It is simple to see how chemistry is important in our lives each and everyday. Without it we would not understand why certain foods go off, we wouldn't be able to ensure that bacteria was taken care of and we wouldn't be able to have the clean clothes that we have. We take all of this knowledge for granted and it is something that we would not be able to live without.
Therefore the importance of chemistry in everyday life is very high as we would not survive without it. We would not have a great understanding of certain things and we would not be able to ensure that we were safe from certain bacteria and rays that can seriously harm us.