The relationship between science and technology is a very close one. This is because they are both linked by one important aspect of life; knowledge. Without science, technology, in essence would not and could not exist.
Technology is basically the practical application of the science, so the two items go hand in hand. For example; without the knowledge of how a large rotating item which is not necessarily particularly sharp, can crush and mix up food better than a human may be able to do with just a wooden spoon then you would not have a blender. This can be applied to any piece of technology, whether it is a computer, washing machine or microwave.
Without science, technology could not exist. Thus science and technology go hand in hand with one another. Looking at it from a knowledge perspective; science is the accumulation of knowledge and technology is the application of that knowledge gained from science.
This can be proved further by the dictionary definition of technology, which is: The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes; or the alternative definition which is: Machinery and equipment developed from such scientific knowledge. This shows the correlation between the two applications of science and knowledge.