Two important things we can conserve are water and energy – saving one saves the other. Conserving both water and energy has become very important because of the growing demand for them and the limited supply. Visit the BeWaterWise website you will find some tips on how to conserve water and thereby energy at … Read more
I think everyone has a role to play in saving the planet earth. There is a need to preserve our natural resources. Every day we are utilizing the resources and polluting the environment. Simple things we can start at home to save water and energy include: Take shorter showers, direct grey water to garden, fix … Read more
The word conservation means preservation through efficient and   careful use of resources. One simple thing we can do is to conserve water.   Clean and fresh water availability has decreased dangerously in many parts of   the world. That's the reason places like South California are heading towards   mandatory conservation of water. We all can make a … Read more
We   need conservation to meet the water requirements of the world's population.   70% of the earth is covered with water but only 3% of it is fresh water.   Fresh water is the primary source of survival. Over the years the ground   water levels have reduced significantly. We need to minimize the usage of   fresh water … Read more