
What Is The Role Of Phosphorus And Nitrogen In The Growth Of Plants?


2 Answers

Hassan Raza Profile
Hassan Raza answered
The role of Phosphorus in plant growth is an essential nutrient both as apart of several key plant structure compounds, as a catalyst in the conversion of numerous key alchemical reactions in plants. Phosphorus is noted especially for its role in capturing a converting the sun's energy into useful plant compounds.

The phosphorus is essential for the general health and vigour off all plants. Some specific growth factors that have been associated with phosphorus are; root development, increased stalk and stem strength, improved flower formation and seed production, more uniform and earlier crop maturity, increased nitrogen fixing capacity of legumes, improvement in crop quality and increased resistance to plant diseases.

The role of Nitrogen in plant growth is essential for plant growth and fruiting. Nitrogen is an important component of many important structural, genetic and metabolic compounds in plant cells. It is major component of chlorophyll. Some proteins are act as structural unit in plant cells are posse's nitrogen while others act as enzymes.

Nitrogen is also present as apart of nucleoprotein, amino acids, amines, amino sugar and other organic compounds in plants.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and fruiting. It is an important component of many important structural, genetic and metabolic compounds in plant cells. It is a major component of chlorophyll.

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