
What Are The Secondary Sources Of Data Collection For Research?


7 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Data from a secondary source is any data which has been collected by another researcher, whether it is a group of people or just one person. The data may have originally been used for a different type of research, but you can manipulate it to fit your research, instead of using it as it was intended to be used. Here are some examples of secondary sources of data for research:

• Governmental studies

If the government of your country has collected data on a particular topic, you can manipulate this data in any way you choose. For example, the government has records on the types of benefits it awards each year, and how much money is spent on benefits. You could manipulate this data for any topic you wish to research, for example, if you were doing a study surrounding the unemployed people of your country.

• Large companies

Large companies and manufacturers keep all kinds of data on their products and business. For example, computer and software manufacturers like Apple and Microsoft will have records of how much of each of their products has been bought in a particular year. You could use data from two different companies in order to compare them, or you could use data from one particular company in order to do an in-depth analysis.

• Scientific studies

You could manipulate data gathered by scientists as a result of particular research they have carried out. Teams of scientists are constantly undertaking research and collecting and recording data as a result, which you could manipulate into your research. However, scientific reports and results sheets are often difficult to decipher, as they use a great deal of scientific jargon.

Please note that, if you are using others' research in your own study, you cannot take credit for undertaking the research. That is to say, you cannot say you did the research and came up with those results. You must credit the source from which you have taken the data in a bibliography or reference page.
Sadia Batool Profile
Sadia Batool answered
Research can be done by the help of proper primary and secondary data. Primary data is the fresh data which is the data of real world. Researcher works seriously for it. He/she uses many techniques to get to it. It takes time to collect data by questionnaire, interview and survey modus operandi.
Secondary data is the old data which is collected by researcher in the already done researches, books, etc. it is the data of old world. It is not the present data but a researcher needs it because he/she has to use it to make a solid base of his/her research work. It is simple and approved data this is why it is called secondary data. It is not the data of the present world.
Some researchers only work by the help of secondary data and do not go for primary one. In this way he/she just reproduces old work in a new manner. These types of researches are not that functional in scientific sector. May be social sector and semi-scientific sector conducts these researches. Secondary data is simply the data of already utilized common things. It can be copied but it is important to give references. Otherwise it will be plagiarized.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
A search of secondary data generally follows the statement of objectives. Secondary information is any data originally generated for some purpose other than the present research objectives. It includes findings based on research done by outside organizations. Data generated in house for earlier studies ad even customer information collected by the firm's sales or credit departments. Locating secondary data is called secondary research. Secondary research findings sometimes provide sufficient insight into the problem at hand to eliminate the need for primary research. Most often it provides clues and direction for the design of primary research.
Government agencies private population data firms, marketing research companies and advertising agencies are all important sources of secondary data. For example United States Census Bearue collects data on the age, education, occupation and income of the United States residents by State and region and also provides projections on the future growth or decline of various demographic segments. Besides that more detailed information on purchasing patterns or product usage is needed or if psychological or sociocultural consumer information is sought. Then primary data must be collected. Research to secure such information is sought then primary data must be collected. Research to secure such information is more easily and more time consuming than secondary research but is likely to yield a more accurate picture then studies based on secondary data alone.
Nouman Umar Profile
Nouman Umar answered
Secondary data are indispensable for most organizational research. Secondary data refer to information gathered by someone other than the researcher conducting the current study. Such data can be internal or external to the organization and accessed through the internet or perusal of recorded or published information. Secondary data can be used among other things for forecasting sales by constructing models based on past sales figures and through extrapolation.

There are several sources of secondary data, including books and periodicals government publications of economic indicators, census data, statistical abstracts, data bases, the media, annual reports of companies, case studies and other archival records. Secondary sources of data provide a lot of information for research and problem solving. Such data are as we have seen mostly qualitative in nature. Also included in secondary sources are schedules maintained for or by key personnel in organizations, the desk calendar of executives and speeches delivered by them. Much of such internal data though could be proprietary and not accessible to all. Financial databases readily available for research are also secondary data sources. The Compustat Database contains information on thousands of companies organized by industry and information on global companies is also available through Compustat. The advantage of seeking secondary data sources is savings in time and cost of acquiring information.

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