
What's The Difference Between Deciduous And Coniferous Trees?


28 Answers

Julii Brainard Profile
Julii Brainard answered
Trees that drop their leaves each autumn are called 'deciduous', from the Latin for 'to fall'. Alternative names for deciduous trees are broadleaves or hardwoods. Some of the more common species are oak, poplar, beech, apple and chestnut.

Coniferous trees have small, waxy and usually narrow leaves (needles or flat scales). 'Coniferous' means that it is a cone-bearing tree. The most common conifers are spruces, pines and firs. Alternative names used for coniferous trees are evergreens, softwoods and (appropriately enough) conifers. However, the name evergreen is not really a good synonym. Laurel, acacia and eucalyptus are also evergreens, and although not deciduous, they are not cone-bearing trees (they also definitely have leaves rather than needles).

Deciduous and coniferous sound like two distinct types of tree, and generally they are, but there are a few oddities. The larch is a deciduous conifer: it drops its needles every year in the autumn.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Coniferous trees keep their leaves all year round and deciduous trees lose their leaves come winter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Possibly the most simple answer is that deciduous trees lose their leaves at approximately the same time each year (autumn) and grow them back in the spring. Coniferous trees do shed their leaves (their needles) they are never completely bare, and the needles remain intact and functioning throughout the year.

Maple, oak and elm are examples of deciduous trees.

Conifers such as pine and spruce are examples of coniferous trees.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Deciduous trees typically lose their leaves at some point during their season, during either very cold or a very dry season. These are typically hardwood trees also known as broadleaf trees. Conifers are typically needle leaf trees also known as softwood trees. However one conifer tree known as tamarack is known to be deciduous since it loses its needles during the winter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Deciduous trees have leaves that fall of the tree in the winter time due to the fact that they have carotenoids and Coniferous trees have small waxy leaves that don't fall off due to the fact that they don't have carotenoids.

The first guy's answer was really good!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A coniferous tree has a thick trunk and needles and deciduous tree have leaves and the have thin trunks.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Deciduous trees drop their leaves each Autumn.
Coniferous trees have small, waxy narrow leaves. 'Coniferous' means that it is a cone bearing tree.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Deciduous tend to lose their leaves during Autumn, while the coniferous keeps its needles all year round :0
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Deciduous: Is a tree that have simple leaves and fall in the fall
coniferous: Is a tree that has needle leaves and don't fall off
james caison Profile
james caison answered
Coniferous trees are evergreen, spruce, fir , cedar, .... Deciduous tress shed their leaves.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Well coniferous trees are really is a part of a inbuyerment so it is mostly evergreen from, alexanicole argote
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Coniferous trees don't lose their leaves/needles all at once and stay green during the winter. Deciduous trees are more of a flat leaf and lose all their leaves during the fall and are basic sticks in the winter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Deciduous lose their leaves and conifers do not.  Deciduous have leaves and conifers don't.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The diiference between coniferous and deciduous trees is that the leafs are either needle leafs or compound and arrgument leafs.
Jess Profile
Jess answered
Deciduous is any tree that loses its leaves ex maple while a corniferous has needles and keeps then year round ex pine tree

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