
Describe Structure And Functions Of The Chloroplast?


21 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It converts light energy into chemical energy for plants
saima jabeen Profile
saima jabeen answered
The membrane-bounded pigment containing bodies present in the cells are called as plastids.The photosynthetic cells of algae and plants have membrane bound structures called chloroplasts. They are self-replicating organelles. They contain a green pigment called chlorophyll, which helps the cell to absorb light energy and utilize it to manufacture food. Chlorophyll molecule resembles the haem group of hemoglobin, a protein used in the transport of oxygen. The main difference between these two molecules is that chlorophyll has magnesium ions while haem has iron ions as the central atom.

Chloroplasts vary in their shape and size with a diameter of about 4-6 micron and 1-5 micron in length. Under light microscope they appear to be heterogenous structure with small granules known as grana embedded in the matrix.Under electron microscope a chloroplast shows three main parts, the envelope, the stroma and the thylakoid. A double membrane forms the envelope, while stroma covers most of the volume of the chloroplast. Stroma is a fluid, which surrounds the thylakoids and contains proteins, some ribosomes and a small circular DNA. It is in this part of the chloroplast where CO2 is fixed to manufacture sugars.

Some proteins are also synthesized in this part. Thaylakoids are the flattened vesicles, which arrange them to form grana and intergrana. A granum appears to be a pile of thylakoids stacks on each other like coins. Granum appears to be green. Each granum is inter connected with other by non-green part called intergranum. Membrane of the grana is the site where sun light energy is trapped and where ATP is formed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
An elongated or disc-shaped organelle containing chlorophyll. Photosynthesis (in which energy from sunlight is converted into chemical energy - food) takes place in the chloroplast. Chloroplasts have a double outer membrane. Within the stroma are outer membrane- the thylakoids. Thylakoids appear in stacks called “grana” (singular = granum).
     Function of the Chloroplast
     - A plastid usually found in plant cells - Contain green chlorophyll where photosynthesis takes place
Chloroplast is a green pigment which is used by the plants to prepare their food in the form of glucose. The thylakoids in chloroplast trap solar energy which activates the chloroplast which causes photolysis of water , breaking it into H+ and OH- ions. This is ultimately used up to prepare glucose through processes in which CO2 is produced and glucose is formed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chloroplast belongs to a group of plant organelles known as plastids. These are organelles that store food in them. In the case of chloroplast, it stores starch and is known as an amyloplast.

Chloroplast contains chlorophyll which traps sunlight that is used as the energy in the process of Photosynthesis.
Vincent Davis Profile
Vincent Davis answered
Chloroplast's are the organelle in which photosynthesis takes place. Photosynthesis is the chemical process in which sugar is made using water and the sun's energy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chloroplasts convert light energy into chemical energy for plants. I'm sorry, but that's as specific as I remember.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Chloroplasts traps the energy of the sunlight and convert it into chemical energy......
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
- A plastids usually found in plant cells.
- Contain green chlorophyll where photosynthesis takes place
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The function of the chloroplast in a plant cell is basically the organelle
responsible for photosynthesis(bnb&cmb 4eva)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
What the hell is the stricture and function of Chloroplast cause I am making a model of Chloroplast and it worth like 100% of my grade sad face... Help me guys pl0x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Any body can tell me about molecular and genetic basis of self replication of chloroplast in plant please I need it....?

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