
Why Does The Same Side Of The Moon Always Face The Earth?


5 Answers

Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
The earth rotates around its axis. It does not turn or change its position. The moon is the star of the earth. It revolves around the earth once per month. The angle between the moon,earth and sun changes in such a way that it always face the same side of the earth.
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Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The earth rotates around its axis. It does not turn or change its position. The moon  
is the star of the earth. It revolves around the earth once per month. The angle between the moon  
earth and sun changes in such a way that it always face the same side of the earth.
Erik King Profile
Erik King answered
It changes positions, that's how we get cresent moons and new moons and half moons because the moon is rotating on its axis and the dark side will eventually turn all the way facing us, but we don't see it because it blends in with the night sky
raja ratna kumar Profile
That's why the same side of the moon is, always, visible to us.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The moon is revolving around the earth its locked the moon and the earth together are locked if the sun has no more gravity the moon and planet earth will be unlocked

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