Who Invented The Clock, When, Where, And Purpose?


26 Answers

markeith jackson Profile
An African American named Benjamin Banneker invented the clock around the year 1750 when he was just 21 years old. He saw a famous u.s surveyor with named Andrew Ellicott who had a pocket watch which amazed benneker. Andrew ellicott gave the pocket watch to banneker and banneker invented the clock, a bigger version of a watch. Ellicott's brother joseph wanted banneker to build a clock to determine the correct calculations of stars in the sky. In otherwords, joseph ellicott was into astronomy.
thanked the writer.
Olivia Love
Olivia Love commented
Thank You very much for telling me who invented the clock.
Anonymous commented
Thank you for telling me! I was writing an essay on the invention of a clock. It will help me.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The clock is one of the oldest human inventions to enable us to judge how long a process has run. As the seasons and the phases of the moon can be used to measure the passage of longer periods of time, shorter processes had to be used to measure off hours and minutes.
The word 'clock' comes from the French word "cloche" meaning bell. The Latin for bell is glocio, the Saxon is clugga and the German is glocke. The first mechanical alarm clock was invented by Levi Hutchins of Concord, New Hampshire, in 1787. However, historical records reveal that approximately 5000 to 6000 years ago great civilizations in the Middle East and North Africa began to make clocks to enhance their calendars. These cultures found that they needed to organize their time more efficiently.
Originally candles and sticks of incense that burn down at approximate predictable speeds were used as to estimate the passage of time. Other methods were sundials and hourglasses. The development of electronics in the twentieth century led to clocks with no clockwork parts at all. Time in these cases is measured in several ways, such as by the vibration of a tuning fork or the behaviour of quartz crystals. Now mechanical clocks have since come to be largely powered by batteries, removing the need for winding.
d ds Profile
d ds answered
Before the concept of dividing time into hours, minutes and seconds was developed, the people used to have sun dial clocks that estimated what part of the day it is by the shadows cast by the sun. Then the Egyptians came up with water clocks in which two containers of water were connected and the time water took to empty from one to the other container was used as a standard for time. The first ever proper clock was made by peter Henlin of Germany in the year 1510 which was powered by a spring but it was not of much use because it was not accurate. Jost Burgi later made a clock with a hand for the minutes as well but it was a disappointment as well. The precise clocks were developed when they started to incorporate pendulums into the clocks. The first pendulum clock was made by Christian Huygens in 1656.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It was invented in 1234
Kashif Maqbool Profile
Kashif Maqbool answered
A time clock sometimes known as a Clock card machine is a mechanical timepiece used to assist in tracking the hours an employee of a company worked. This was accomplished by inserting a heavy paper card, called a time card, into a slot on the time clock. When the time card hit a contact at the rear of the slot, the machine would print day and time information on the card. This allowed a timekeeper to have an official record of the hours an employee worked to calculate and pay an employee.

The first time clock was invented in November 20, 1888, by Willard Bundy, a jeweler in Auburn, New York. A year later his brother, Harlow Bundy, organized the Bundy Manufacturing Company, and began mass producing time clocks. Bundy Manufacturing, along with two other time equipment businesses, was consolidated into the International Time Recording Company ITR. In 1911 ITR and two other companies were merged, forming Computing Tabulating Recording Corporation CTR, which would later change its name to IBM. In 1958 IBM's Time Equipment Division was sold to the Simplex Time Recorder Company.

The time cards usually had the workdays and time in and time out areas marked on them so that employees could punch in or punch out in the correct place.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Types of clocks when and by who inverted them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The Romans invented the first clock which was the sundial. The Egyptians never used clocks, they told the time by planets and stars alignment in the sky.
Asad Ali Profile
Asad Ali answered
The clock is one of the oldest instruments and its exact date and info about specifically who it is not confirmed.It is believed that the modern clock was invented in 1656 by Christian Huygens.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
This is wrong as nobody knows who made the 1st clock
thanked the writer.
angier caldwell
angier caldwell commented
They say that sumerians invented the first clock and then the egyptians adopted it at least thats wat i got from wikipedia and wiki.answers.com.
Matthew Profile
Matthew answered
Sundials were the first "clocks" and were invented around 3,500 BCE.  The Egyptians improved upon the sundial with the invention of the water clock around 1,400 BCE.

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