
What Is The Basic Difference Between A File System And A Database Systems?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In file system there is no concept of tables or relations between tables it just organize the records row by row. Database system contain table and relation between the table.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
File System is accessing the data through files (No matter what file it is) where as Database is accessing the data through tables (either remote or local).
Vineet Jain Profile
Vineet Jain answered
File Systems: What is the difference between a file system and a database?
Christian Smith
5 votes by Peter Tegelaar, Anon User, Alex K. Chen, (more)
A database is generally used for storing related, structured data, with well defined data formats, in an efficient manner for insert, update and/or retrieval (depending on application).

On the other hand, a file system is a more unstructured data store for storing arbitrary, probably unrelated data. The file system is more general, and databases are built on top of the general data storage services provided by file systems.

There are also differences in the expected level of service provided by file systems and databases. While databases must be self consistent at any instant in time (think about banks tracking money!), provide isolated transactions and durable writes, a file system provides much looser guarantees about consistency, isolation and durability. The database uses sophisticated algorithms and protocols to implement reliable storage on top of potentially unreliable file systems. It is these algorithms that make database storage more expensive in terms of processing and storage costs that make general file systems an attractive option for data that does not require the extra guarantees provided by a database.

As technology moves forward, though, the lines are blurring, as some file systems pick up features previously the domain of databases (transactions, advanced queries) and some databases relax the traditional constraints of consistency, isolation and durability. ZFS and BTRFS might be considered examples of the former, MongoDB and CouchDB examples of the latter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
File system:-
Simply put, a file is a collection of bytes stored together. An example of a file could be a Text File (a collection of alphanumeric characters that, when put together, form a readable document) or a Bitmap Image File (a collection of bytes that software would then interpret as elements of an image).
Data BAse System:-
A database is a special type of file that holds many tables. Each table can hold many fields as well as records. Think of a table as a spreadsheet. Each column represents different fields, such as "UserID", "LastName", and "CityOfResidence". Each row represents a record, or an entry, in the table, such as an entry for John Smith who lives in Albuquerque.

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