
Does Ice Melt In Water, Soda, Or Juice Faster? Why?


22 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Ice melts fastest in water, theoretically. The simple science behind this is that water is the least dense liquid of the three. This means that it is the easiest for heat transfer to occur within. The ice is added cold, thus reducing the temperature of the water because it easily transfers the heat (or lack of it), but by doing so the ice rises in temperature, taking it to the point that it melts.

There are variables to this though. The liquids must all be at the same starting temperature, else this answer proves nothing. Another thing is the surface area and the contact it has. Ice floats, but it is denser than warm water. The warm water causes the cube to melt, the cold water sinks, raising more warm water to deplete the ice cube.
The reason I say theoretically is due to the carbonation process in soda. The density, as a result, is lower than it would be otherwise, meaning that the cola like warmer liquids will rise to the top and the ice cold water sinks. This is why when you buy drinks with ice in at the cinema or a fast food restaurant you notice a distinctly watery taste the nearer the end of the drink you are. It also means that cola and other products gain a similar density to that of simple water, making it a close call if fairly comparing in a scientific test. Water should melt the ice fastest regardless though.

Some juices and sodas are rumoured to contain chemicals that prevent ice from melting as quickly, but this isn’t a proven fact. This would require the chemicals to increase the liquid density something carbonation of soda defies by lowering the density. Furthermore, sugar melts ice, and sodas and juice both contain sugars.
thanked the writer.
kanichi kargimine
Well in some situations,ice can melt faster in soda because even if it is in the refridgerator,it melts and I agree that it melts faster in water because water is ice in the first place and its just frzen but sometimes it melts faster in soda when its in the refridgerator
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If all liquids are the same temperature, ice melts fastest in water.  The reason has to do with the density (thickness) of the liquid.  The more dense (thick) a liquid is, the harder it is for the liquid to transfer heat to the ice cube and melt it.  Water is the least dense of all the liquids, so it can transfer heat to the ice cube the fastest.  My kids have done this experiment twice.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If the temperature of all the liquids is the same, then it will melt in water the fastest. Reason being is that soda and juice contain sodium which makes the ice colder.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its water because soda and  the juice are more dense and the water has less particles and the more particles the longer it taakes for the to melt
LYNN C Profile
LYNN C answered
The temperature of the liquid is the deciding factor---assuming the other variables -- amounts of ice and liquid and container dimensions and temperature and air pressure of surrounding environment -- are all the same dr lynn
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its water. I've done a science project on this.
this is the order on which the ice melted first then last.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think if you put the ice in hot water it will melt the ice faster
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Okaaii I am reading all of your  guys opinions but which one is itcuzi am duuing a project juss like this and yuu guys confusing me!
Cindy Liebau Profile
Cindy Liebau answered
If all of the liquids are the same temperature, ice melts on average in half the time of juice or Pepsi.  Using 1/2 cup liquid and 1 ice cube...average 8 minutes water.  Note that the juice and Pepsi are almost exactly the same with Pepsi being about 1 minute faster.  Thank you 4th grade science fair!
Ronnie Maye Profile
Ronnie Maye answered
I really don't think it makes a difference what the ice is in, I think the temperature of the liquid you put the ice in is what makes the ice melt faster or slower.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It melts faster in orange juice because oranges have a lot of acids that break down the ice and return it to it's original property of a liquid.

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