It is possible to have a lug nut lock removed without a special key, though you have to replace it once it is removed. There are some devices that you can use so as to remove a nut. These kits are made by various companies thus you can select the kits that you prefer or basing on the company of your choice.
The kits that can help you remove a lug nut include; locking pliers also known as vice grips.
When you need to remove lug nut lock with vice grips;
You need to ensure that other locking lug nuts are still intact. You also need to ensure that there is enough space to help in turning the nuts.
Clamp the locking pliers while the other locking nuts are still tight. Get them on pliers on the locking lug nuts and hold them tightly as possible.
With a hammer, hit the locking pliers. This has to e done in the direction that will help in removing the nut. The direction should be based on the saying "lefty loosy, righty tighty”. You have to be careful so as not to allow the pliers to get up with the wheels. This is because the wheel will crash the pliers when you want to remove it. To prevent this, the use of rugs or some piece of cloth can used to avert the risk.
You have to repeat this process as many times as possible till the lug nut lock is removed.
This process of removing a lug nut lock without any special key can be applied to various types of cars. In fact, it is the process that mechanics use in removing these nuts. You also need to know that the old lug nut that is removed cannot be used, hence you have to replace it. It is possible to get these lug nuts online, though you can ask your mechanic to offer a helping hand.
The kits that can help you remove a lug nut include; locking pliers also known as vice grips.
When you need to remove lug nut lock with vice grips;
You need to ensure that other locking lug nuts are still intact. You also need to ensure that there is enough space to help in turning the nuts.
Clamp the locking pliers while the other locking nuts are still tight. Get them on pliers on the locking lug nuts and hold them tightly as possible.
With a hammer, hit the locking pliers. This has to e done in the direction that will help in removing the nut. The direction should be based on the saying "lefty loosy, righty tighty”. You have to be careful so as not to allow the pliers to get up with the wheels. This is because the wheel will crash the pliers when you want to remove it. To prevent this, the use of rugs or some piece of cloth can used to avert the risk.
You have to repeat this process as many times as possible till the lug nut lock is removed.
This process of removing a lug nut lock without any special key can be applied to various types of cars. In fact, it is the process that mechanics use in removing these nuts. You also need to know that the old lug nut that is removed cannot be used, hence you have to replace it. It is possible to get these lug nuts online, though you can ask your mechanic to offer a helping hand.