My husband is very knowledgeable in the areas of forriging. I'm in to health-food and so is he. Ever eat a day lilly?Their very filling and taste great if you know how to cook them! They're the bright orange tall flowers that are found mainly on the side of the road. I put them in my burrito's. Pick a bunch of them, wash them well,(in a strainer),pat them well with a clean dishtowel. I use the buds so I end up separating the stems and leaves. I ask my hubby if it's OK to eat them also(might as well not waste!)You can either use butter or soy-oil in the pan preferably a cast iron. Heat up the oil not till popping though. put in about 10 to 15(consider how many you need to feed.)shake some seasoning salt over them. I like to use some from the health food store or lawre, yesterday. after they are tender take them out and place them on some paper towels. You can put them over rice, spaggetti, in with tofu (chop them up) the list goes on and on. Don't eat to much don't add to many as I said before they are very filling!PS cow-slips are in the fields to, their wild asparagass, Yummy! Bona pettite.Paula