How Do You Get Your Plants To Grow On Clubpenguin?


16 Answers

Sarah Marsh Profile
Sarah Marsh answered
Members of Club Penguin have the option to buy garden room furniture. This garden can be used to grow a number of vegetables; either pumpkins, watermelons, tomatoes, corn or carrots. Others who have suggested that they are having problems growing plants and vegetables in their garden have bought watering cans to try and speed up the process or, once inside their igloo, have tried picking up the plants and using the arrows to select the plants that they want to grow. This should begin the process of growing your vegetables.

If you were a member in May 200,9 you may have had the opportunity to get hold of some Growing Plants. The Growing Plants are furniture items that were brought over from Rockhopper Island by Rockhopper. Growing Plants in Club Penguin are only available to members. In order for these Growing Plants to grow, you need to place them inside your igloo. Once they are inside they should grow of their own accord over time. There are four different types of Growing Plants in Club Penguin: The Surprisus Maximus, Plantus Fantasticus, Sprouting Spectaculous and the Rare Flower Pot. There were also a number of Unknown Growing Plants scattered around the Club Penguin Island during the Adventure Party of 2009.

The Surprisus Maximus plants cost 250 coins and were available to members in May 2009 in the Rockhopper’s Rare Items catalog. These plants, over a period of time, will grow into room furniture. Similarly the Plantus Fantasticus, Sprouting Spectaculous and the Rare Flower Pot grow into furniture over time, with the results depending on how much the plant initially cost. These items are now unavailable but there are still some around, owned by other members, that you may be able to get your hands on.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They really don't grow on there own you have to go and edit your igloo and click on it then press the arrow keys on your keyboard and it will turn into something like flowers and stuff
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Press Up and Down arrow keys
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Get a watering can and puffle os then dance beside your plants.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Use directional keys up and down
Rena Chisholm Profile
Rena Chisholm answered
You can return them to club penguin for a full refund.
Just mention our name, (Petunia and Pansy Penguin).
thanked the writer.
View all 4 Comments
Rena Chisholm
Rena Chisholm commented
um, I'm sorry, i didn't realize that clubpenguin sold plants.
You ever read that story about the crying wolf boy?
I can't believe you gave me another bad rating when i was only trying to help you. That is so mean!!!
ju jenkins
ju jenkins commented
that doesn't answer my question!i want them to grow
Rena Chisholm
Rena Chisholm commented
Well then, maybe you could explain your problem a bit better.
I am a pretty good gardener but your question leaves me with a lot of questions of my own.
Like, where did you plant said flowers? How is it possible that a watering can is able to grow flowers? Did you know that flowers won't grow at the north pole? Are these flowers real or make believe?
Just get back to me on this and I'll fix you right up with an answer.
PS, All i could find on clubpenguin was a purple puffle, but you can't grow it.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Select your "garden" as if to move it, now press the up and down arrows to cycle through the different plants you want.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Just go to edit mode in your igloo, pick up the plants, then press either the up or down arrows or the left or right arrows (I can't remember which one) I hope this helped!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
K you click on the garden, press the up or down arrow key, sift through to change the plants. They do not grow on there own!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1st go to edit igloo. Then pick up the plants and press the up or down arrows. They can't just grow outta now where so you HAVE to do this.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They wont realy grow just do this 1. Edit the garden  2. Press the arows 3. You can pick carrots ,tomotto,pumkon and corn hope that works!

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