How A Person Can Increase His English Speaking/Communication Skills?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Well, a person can fix up their communication skills by reading. They may also get a special program on a computer that teaches them the language if they are not familiar with it. But if you just need help with vocabulary I recommend reading. If you have trouble prouncing words, I recommend getting a CD for begginers on a language :]
rineeth kittu Profile
rineeth kittu answered

     A person can fix up their communication skills by reading. They may
also get a special program on a computer that teaches them the language
if they are not familiar with it. But if you just need help with
vocabulary I recommend reading. If you have trouble prouncing words, I
recommend     getting a CD for begginers on a language.

Becca Owen Profile
Becca Owen answered
Go to English classes! Good luck
thanked the writer.
Ghazanfar Ali
Ghazanfar Ali commented
What if a person gets only 1 or 2 leisure hours a day ?
will that be possible to go to english classes?

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