I can give you some information on water pollution, although it will be in English unfortunately. As this is an English language website you might be better looking for a website which is in Urdu. Or what you can do, is copy and paste the below information into a translation website like Google translate which will translate the information for you.
Causes are often man-made, such as the illegal dumping of toxic chemicals, oil spills, sewage, or getting rid of general rubbish or food waste. However, contamination can also occur from harmful natural sources, too. Unsanitary drinking water, for example, may have harmful bacteria or viruses caused by naturally occurring microrganisms.
The effects of water pollution are damaging and wide reaching.
-It can cause the death of animals like fish, birds and dolphins who rely on clean water for their survival.
-Many diseases originate from water pollution, either from drinking untreated water or consuming seafood which has been contaminated.
-Damage to important ecosystems that exist in an aquatic environment.