
What Is Personal Pollution?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Personal pollution is a kind of pollution that we create,us, smoking cigarettes and burning of plastics,etc.
Are you polluting yourself?
Personal pollution is the contamination of one’s body and lifestyle with detrimental actions. This may include:
Excessive smoking, drinking or drug abuse
Emotional or physical abuse
Poor living conditions and habits
Poor personal attitudes
In some cases, personal pollution may be inflicted by caregivers, while in other cases it is caused by voluntary actions. Taking positive steps in your life can help eliminate this and other types of pollution so you can lead a more productive, satisfying life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Are you polluting yourself?
Personal pollution is the contamination of one’s body and lifestyle with detrimental actions. This may include:
Excessive smoking, drinking or drug abuse
Emotional or physical abuse
Poor living conditions and habits
Poor personal attitudes
In some cases, personal pollution may be inflicted by caregivers, while in other cases it is caused by voluntary actions. Taking positive steps in your life can help eliminate this and other types of pollution so you can lead a more productive, satisfying life.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Personal pollution is a kind of pollution that we create,us, smoking cigarettes and burning of plastics,etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Pollution is a large issue. Pollution refers to anything
that does not belong in the natural environment that can possibly harm the
earth. This includes ground pollution, water pollution and noise pollution.
Noise pollution is not seen as a big issue, but it can hinder nature by scaring
animals from their natural habitat and decreasing natural sounds. The effects
of pollution are great, as they can cause harm to natural resources living
creatures need for survival.

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