Ontario has latitude between 42° 16'N, 82° 58'W and 49° 48'N , 94° 22'W
California has latitude between 32° 44'N, 117° 10'W and 41° 46'N, 124° 12'W
Here is the distance between Northernmost point in California and Canadian southernmost point in miles:
294 miles approximately – about 5 hours 10 minutes drive.
Click here for more information.
Ontario has latitude between 42° 16'N, 82° 58'W and 49° 48'N , 94° 22'W
California has latitude between 32° 44'N, 117° 10'W and 41° 46'N, 124° 12'W
Here is the distance between Northernmost point in California and Canadian southernmost point in miles:
294 miles approximately – about 5 hours 10 minutes drive.
Click here for more information.