
What Is Theoretical Methodology?


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Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Theoretical methodology is the practice of developing a basic theory that is then proved through research, observations, and facts. Theoretical methodology is the framework used to achieve an effective hypothesis, or "educated guess". Theories espoused through theoretical methodology do not have to be brand new; they are simply tools used to support a body of research, such as experiments, reports, and conclusions.

With theoretical methodology, hypotheses do not have to be exact or completely precise; in fact, this type of methodology supports the idea of evolutionary thought as a project, research experiment, or thesis continues. Theoretical methodology is there to isolate certain questions that may likely be answered by the results of a report or experiment; the chosen "point of view" or guesswork is meant to be underlined, if not definitively proven, by the events that follow.

In general, theoretical methodology should gel with accepted scientific truths, or the observations of noted professors, critics, and intellectuals. For example, choosing a hypothesis that is at odds with Newton's Law Of Gravity will be foolhardy. The best use of theoretical methodology is to present a new facet of already established truth, fact, or opinion. From psychology to botany, this form of theoretical methodology can be an excellent way to come up with an intelligent hypothesis in areas such as:

• Science
• Literary criticism
• Sociology
• Political science

The best practitioners of theoretical methodology will combine their instincts and intuition with given facts and established, trustworthy opinions. Then, they will plan out a report, thesis, or experiment that will prove, or strongly point to, a certain result or point of view. In this sort of intellectual guesswork, the initial hypothesis may not always support the results that are derived from research or experimentation. Sometimes, theoretical methodology will lead to dead ends; when this happens, students or researchers chalk it up to experience and move on to the next hypothesis, using the principles of theoretical methodology.

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