
What Is Methodology?


10 Answers

Hayley Clarke Profile
Hayley Clarke answered
In some academic contexts, the word ‘methodology’ is sometimes reserved for the (theoretical) study of methods. Methodologies may be described as structured sets of steps, techniques, design products and processes, components and perspectives. These will all aid people in their research.

A methodology will consist of phases, themselves consisting of sub-phases, which will guide the systems developers in their choice of techniques that might be appropriate at each stage of the project and also help them plan, manage, control and evaluate research. It is usually based on some philosophical view; otherwise it is merely a method, like a recipe.

We can regard a methodology as a generalized description of the activities of a series of design projects, together with a theory that explains why those projects were successful, and it may be seen as an abstraction from good practice. This is of course not a value free description, since if we know what counts as good practice this entails our having some criteria of goodness. A methodology is usually presented not as a description but as a prescription, a recommendation that projects should follow the generalized task structure.

Some people think of a methodology as if it were a skeleton, on which a project can be hung. As a follower of the methodology, you flesh it out, apply the techniques suggested by it, make your own decisions prompted by it and produce some of the deliverables dictated by it. 

How strictly you adhere to the methodology depends on the project goals, and on your own common sense. On this view, a methodology is judged by its usefulness, in guiding an analyst or designer of a given background and ability, to work effectively in a given situation.

One useful source of input to a methodology is to analyse the failures to which projects within the target domain of the methodology are vulnerable. The methodology is then designed to address, and guard against, a specific set of possible failures.
Akshay Kalbag Profile
Akshay Kalbag answered
The word methodology is defined as a system which comprises the principles, practices and procedures which are applied to a specific branch of knowledge. Methodology refers to the way in which information is found or the way something is done. Methodology includes the methods, techniques and procedures which are used to collect and analyse information.

A methodology is defined as something that represents a package comprising practical ideas and proven practices for a given area of activity. Methodology includes the planning, the development of the design and the management of the systems which are based on information technology.

The word methodology refers to a documented approach which is used to perform activities in a manner which is coherent, consistent, accountable and repeatable. Methodology is a process that mainly consists of intellectual activities. Usually only the end goal of the methodological process is manifested as the product or result of the physical work. In software, the term methodology is used to a specific series of steps or a procedure which governs the activities of analysis and design.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I really appreciate your methodology of studying the comprehensive paragraphs and content. Sometime we hardly understand what the author is trying to say in his lesson no matter how good speaking skills we have but myassignmenthelp source's and your tips are good enough to understand effectively.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How you do something
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Methods are the steps used to obtain data, whereas methodology incorporates the theory behind the methods and the underlying principles of the research question, data collection and analysis.

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