
Why Doesn't The USA Use The Metric System?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Metric System in USA is not widely accepted as the people think it to be a burden. Due to the use of English and the metric system, it results in complication with the people.

The Congress has passed several acts in USA supporting the use of metric system. The use of this system is required in daily life so this needs to be supported from the basic level.

It is based on the measurements of metre and gram and is referred as the decimal system. Since the 1960's the International System of Units is recognised as the standard metric system all over the world.

The US metrication system is not steady and is fast losing its importance. Americans recognise the Fahrenheit temperature scale, but will find it difficult to understand if the temperature was reported to be 12° Celsius, for example. The BTU is the common measure of heating and cooling. SI prefixes are extensively known, but not inevitably in association with the metric system.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The reason the usa don't use the metric system is because it would take a while to learn it all over and it would cost to much to change all the speed limit signs and we just don't have that economy america is already in debt.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The metric system would be very beneficial to the US, but the transition from non-metric to metric
is complicated and can be very confusing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think you all missed the point of the question.  The question is "Why doesn't the USA use the metric system?" not "Why doesn't the USA switch to the metric system?".  If anyone who reads these posts knows the "original" reason the USA adopted the 'standard' system of mesurement and not the metric system I would be interested in knowing.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because the USA is ignorant and doesn't like to be easy.  I'm sure that they would start to use it as soon as they stopped thinking so highly of themselves.

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