It is important to recognize that wit is been argued by some of scholars that since 1970s a new type of society has emerged and begun to replace the industrial society. This is called the industrial society. Following are some of its features as different from the industrial society.
Rise of new technologies in the sphere of information and communication has resulted in greater global integration.
New patterns of consumption have emerged and three has been a shift from production driven economy to a consumption driven economy.
The dominant manufacturing sector has been replaced by service sector. Just like land was the most important ‘factor’ in the agrarian stage and mass manufacturing in the industrial stage; likewise the service sector may be treated the most dominant one in the post-industrial society.
Knowledge has become an extremely important component of the economic activity.
The concentration of workers, manager and implements at one place, so characteristic of the industrial stage, has now been replaced by decentralization people to work from their places. As a result there has been a greater flexibility management and employment.
All these changes, operative especially in the advance industrial societies of Europe and North America, have led various scholars to declare the arrival of a new kind of society representing a break from the earlier industrial society.
Rise of new technologies in the sphere of information and communication has resulted in greater global integration.
New patterns of consumption have emerged and three has been a shift from production driven economy to a consumption driven economy.
The dominant manufacturing sector has been replaced by service sector. Just like land was the most important ‘factor’ in the agrarian stage and mass manufacturing in the industrial stage; likewise the service sector may be treated the most dominant one in the post-industrial society.
Knowledge has become an extremely important component of the economic activity.
The concentration of workers, manager and implements at one place, so characteristic of the industrial stage, has now been replaced by decentralization people to work from their places. As a result there has been a greater flexibility management and employment.
All these changes, operative especially in the advance industrial societies of Europe and North America, have led various scholars to declare the arrival of a new kind of society representing a break from the earlier industrial society.