
Suggest some models on agriculture and technology?


1 Answers

Monica Stott Profile
Monica Stott answered
  • Choosing your model
When choosing your model for agriculture and technology you should choose something that particularly interests you to ensure that you do the best job possible. If you are working on a model that you are not particularly interested in, you will find it very difficult to stay focused and enthusiastic and you will find the whole project difficult.

If you do not already have something in mind, search the internet or look through your text books for something on agriculture that really interests you. If this is an area that you work in or you are studying, you will probably already have an area of agriculture that you are already interested in so you should do some more research in this area for inspiration and ideas. We may not be directly involved in agriculture but it is a massive part of our lives as it affects what we eat and some of the income of our country so it is worth taking an interest in a part of it.

  • Suggested models
One area of agriculture and technology being combined and occurring in the media a lot recently has been genetically modified foods. This is an area of conflict between many people. Technology has led to a massive change in agriculture. There was a time when a whole crop of goods could be destroyed due to disease, drought or too much rain. This could destroy a farmer's livelihood and leave many people hungry, possibly even leading to famine. GM foods are being designed so they can survive these conditions and people do not go hungry. However, many people are opposed to GM as technology interfering in agriculture feels unnatural, unhealthy and disagreeable. You could easily base your model on GM foods and investigate the differences, perhaps aiming to discover if there really are any health benefits to organic foods over GM foods.

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