Describe the impact of risky behaviour on quality of life by making reference of the different spheres of life?


2 Answers

Nicole Manion Profile
Nicole Manion answered
Risky behavior can have both a positive and negative impact, highly dependent upon the outcome of a situation in which risky behavior has been practiced. Often those who act in a risky manner are desperate, inexperienced or prone to ignoring the possibility of negative consequences. The different spheres of life refer to various parts of the Earth's structure: The atmosphere, the biosphere, the lithosphere and the hydrosphere. Risky behavior can impact the various spheres of life by reducing the quality of life of organisms living within it. For instance, if the risky behavior of a nuclear power business caused an oil leak, wildlife species in the hydrosphere would be harmed or killed.
  • Possible positive impacts of risky behavior
Risky behavior is not always a bad thing. It simply refers to a decision being made that could possibly have a negative outcome, although a positive outcome is hoped for: A risk is being taken. If the risk pays off, then the risky behavior will have been worthwhile. The individual or company that took the risk will be rewarded for doing so. Calculated risk in particular can have a positive impact as mathematically it has been deemed good sense to take the risk.
  • Possible negative impacts of risky behavior
Of course, if a risk does turn out for the worst, assets could be lost. On a large scale, the impact of a risk that hasn't paid off could be felt by a whole society. For instance, the economic crisis of 2008 was caused by the risky behavior of the banks. It resulted in an economic downturn that caused much financial hardship. Risky behavior such as gambling can also be negative as many fail to limit the risks they take. Often such risks impact on others as well as the risk taker, which is unjust.

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