Uses of physics?


1 Answers

Jack Buckby Profile
Jack Buckby answered
Many people think that physics is one of those complicated sciences that doesn't really have any use in everyday life. However, physics is perhaps one of the most relevant forms of science in our everyday life. Our movements, the day, the temperature and everything else around us are in some way related to physics.

  • Motion

Motion is an incredibly important part of physics. Physics does indeed focus heavily on how things move, and the energy that makes things move. Our everyday life includes constant motion. Whenever we breathe, run, walk, or perform any other physical action, including moving and touching tangible objects, physics is relevant. The movements we make and the movements around us are all parts of the laws of thermodynamics and mechanics. It's incredibly complicated in scientific terms, but common in everyday terms.

  • Everyday objects

Things like pressure cookers, music and audio systems, computers, washing machines and pretty much any other device that you use in the home is designed according to the many different principles that are found within physics. A fantastic understanding of physics would have been required when these devices were both designed and created.

  • Sound

Sound is involved with physics, too. When we speak or create any other noise through whatever means, we are producing sound that has intensity and pitch, and both of these characteristics are related to physics.

Physics is related to everyday life in so many ways, to the point where you would be truly surprised. Many people think if physics and just assume that it relates to space and planets. That might be true, but physics relates to our manmade life and nature life. It even works at a miniscule level, whereby atoms and particles are controlled by the laws of physics. It's a great thing to study, too, as it can lead you into so many career paths.

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