Beryllium is used as an alloying agent in producing Beryllium Copper it is used for making springs, spot welding electrodes, electrical contacts, non sparking tools plus structural material for high speed aircraft missiles, space craft and communication satellites.
Other uses are as windshield frame, brake discs, support beams other structural components of the space shuttle.
It is alo used in X-Ray lithograph for reproduction of micro miniature reproduction circuits, nuclear reactors, gyroscope.
Computers parts and instruments where lightness, stiffness and dimensional stability is required.
The Oxide has a very high melting point and is also used in nuclear and ceramic applications.
Other uses are as windshield frame, brake discs, support beams other structural components of the space shuttle.
It is alo used in X-Ray lithograph for reproduction of micro miniature reproduction circuits, nuclear reactors, gyroscope.
Computers parts and instruments where lightness, stiffness and dimensional stability is required.
The Oxide has a very high melting point and is also used in nuclear and ceramic applications.