
Does The Color Of Light Affect Plants Growth?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes. Plant chlorophyll absorbs red light and some blue light, and doesn't absorb green at all (which is why you see leaves as being green: They reflect green light). Red and white light are the best, followed by purple and blue; green will kill the plant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Doing this project we found that the color of light that caused a plant to grow faster is green. We think this was because it was not to dark and not to light. The plant that grew the slowest was the blue one. We think this because it was probably to dark for the blue plant to get the proper amount of sunlight. The second fastest growing plant was the red one and the third was the clear one.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes it does, different color have different energy levels. During the process of photosynthesis when plants absorbs light (could be any type) it uses it's energy to make sugary food in the plant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Its unusual because I did the experament, and I found that the red did grow best, but green was a close second...I had a green plant to.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, it does because plants need red and blue light for photosynthesis. They reflect green light, so green doesn't work.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It does, its usually violet light that makes the plants grow higher because it has the shortest wavelength. Because of the shorter wavelength it has more energy. The plant will be able to absorb more energy to make nutrients
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Of course! Duh! Red light is best for green plants, because green plants absorb every color light EXCEPT green! Red is the opposite of green, so green plants absorb red light the most!

Really! It's quite simple!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
K so in my experiment green light grew fastest, then blue, then red. I used red bean seeds. Why?

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