Does The Human Tongue Have Definite Areas For Certain Tastes?


12 Answers

Zam Mirza Profile
Zam Mirza answered
Tongue is a muscular structure that has the organs of taste reception. The organs for sense of taste are the taste buds.
Taste buds are structures located on the surface of the tongue. They are embedded in the mucosa of the papillae of the tongue. The papillae are projections on the upper surface of the tongue.The tongue is a sensitive organ and perceive four types of tastes- sweet, sour, salty and bitter. These four tastes are perceived by four different type of taste buds that are situated at specific locations on the tongue. Salty tate is perceived by the taste buds that are located on the tip and sides oft he tongue, Sweet taste buds are present only on the tip, sour taste buds are present on the lateral sides of the tongue and the taste buds for the bitter taste are present at the back sides of the tongue. All the taste buds are identical. 
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes.... Its has bitter, sour, sweet, and salty.. But if your doing a project you must dry Your tongue to see if it taste like one of the options.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes it does. The tip is sweet the tip sides are salty and the back sides are sour also the back is bitter
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes the middle has not that much taste buds the side are sweet and sour ,salty in the front and bitter at the back...
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It has some parts like
salty on the tip
sour on the sides
sweet close to the tip
bitter in the middle
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes,they do the middle the sides the tip and their sweet sour bitter salty thats what I learned at school because I'm doing the science fair and I have searched at books and so on
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yup it does have certain areas of certain tastes but it is complex for me to explain right this moment

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