Alexandria’s Genesis is a very interesting genetic mutation. When a child is first born, their eyes are blue or grey in colour, perfectly normal. However after about six months their eyes start to change colour from their original blue or grey to purple. This process lasts about six months so is often complete by the time the child reaches their first birthday. Alexandria’s Genesis is also known as ‘violet eyes’.
Other characteristics of people with Alexandria’s Genesis include perfect 20/20 vision, never growing any hair other than on their head, eyebrows and eyelashes, the women are fertile but never menstruate, a highly evolved immune system, an extremely long life span ranging from 130 to 170 years, shimmering white skin that is completely resistant to tanning or burning, dark brown or black hair and they appear to be 5-20 years younger than they really are. Once they reach the age of 21, the aging process starts to slow down and it stops completely between the ages of 40-50.
On the 29th April 1329, a girl called Alexandria was born. She appeared completely normal until her eyes started to change colour from blue to violet. Her parents, obviously startled and frightened by this change, took Alexandria to a priest because they believe she was a witch. However, the priest told her parents that Alexandria was evidence of a myth coming true. The priest then told them the story of a race of violet-eyed people who had appeared in Egypt after a mysterious light had flashed across the sky. These ‘spirit people’ as they were named, travelled North and vanished without a trace. Alexandria eventually grew up, got married and had four children, all of whom had the genetic mutation.
As you may have guessed from the mention of the extremely long life span and complete resistance to all human diseases, Alexandria’s Genesis is most likely a myth born of storytellers. However, the genetic mutation is under a lot of study and investigation but as of yet, I have not been able to find any official recordings of the mutation actually existing.